Palm goes Windows Mobile
(too old to reply)
Martin T
2005-10-02 15:58:40 UTC

Martin Törnsten - http://martin.tornsten.com/
2005-10-03 15:40:03 UTC
well that was expected


Gopi Manapragada
Martin T
2005-10-04 16:12:21 UTC
Captain's log. On StarDate 3 Oct 2005 08:40:03 -0700 received comm from
"woebegone" <***@gmail.com> on channel comp.sys.be.misc:

: well that was expected
: http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2142137/palm-sold-japanese-browser
: Gopi Manapragada

So now we (or Access to be correct) will have up to three different OS with a
Palm GUI as a front end for the user:

1. "Classic" old PalmOS (without any real multitasking kernel).
2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
3. PalmOS on top of Linux kernel (or under development).

Martin Törnsten - http://martin.tornsten.com/
Guy Bannis
2005-10-04 19:10:54 UTC
Post by Martin T
So now we (or Access to be correct) will have up to three different OS with a
Post by Martin T
1. "Classic" old PalmOS (without any real multitasking kernel).
2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
3. PalmOS on top of Linux kernel (or under development).
I don't think there was ever a Palm OS on top of a Be OS kernel. Palm
Garnet and Cobalt used elements of the Be OS, mainly the graphics, but
not the kernel.

In the Linux area, there have been PDAs with GUIs on top of a Linux
kernel but those GUIs have never caught on. The Palm OS might be the key
to making Linux handhelds and smartphones popular.
2005-10-04 19:53:00 UTC
Post by Guy Bannis
The Palm OS might be the key
to making Linux handhelds and smartphones popular.
The Newton OS is the key to making any PDA and smartphones popular. All
the other handheld OSes are garbage toys in comparsion. :-)
Guy Bannis
2005-10-05 00:20:14 UTC
Post by Anybody
Post by Guy Bannis
The Palm OS might be the key
to making Linux handhelds and smartphones popular.
The Newton OS is the key to making any PDA and smartphones popular. All
the other handheld OSes are garbage toys in comparsion. :-)
I agree! :)
2005-10-04 23:31:45 UTC
Post by Martin T
2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
There is no Palm OS on top of a BeOS kernel.
Martin T
2005-10-05 11:17:22 UTC
Captain's log. On StarDate 04 Oct 2005 23:31:45 GMT received comm from
***@xs4a11.nl on channel comp.sys.be.misc:

: In comp.sys.be.misc Martin T <***@gmail.com> wrote:
: > 2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
: There is no Palm OS on top of a BeOS kernel.

Ok, I always thought that Palm bought BeOS with the intention to get a modern
and real operating system to base future versions of PalmOS on.

Martin Törnsten - http://martin.tornsten.com/
Logan Shaw
2005-10-05 17:21:24 UTC
Post by Martin T
Captain's log. On StarDate 04 Oct 2005 23:31:45 GMT received comm from
: There is no Palm OS on top of a BeOS kernel.
Ok, I always thought that Palm bought BeOS with the intention to get a modern
and real operating system to base future versions of PalmOS on.
There is always the theory that they bought BeOS to get a team of developers
which had already proved they are capable of writing a good OS and already
know how to work with each other.

- Logan
2005-10-05 20:40:31 UTC
Post by Martin T
Captain's log. On StarDate 04 Oct 2005 23:31:45 GMT received comm from
: > 2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
: There is no Palm OS on top of a BeOS kernel.
Ok, I always thought that Palm bought BeOS with the intention to get a modern
and real operating system to base future versions of PalmOS on.
There is more to an OS than just the kernel.
Jd Lyall
2005-11-19 18:18:14 UTC
Is that Palm os 6 (whatever they call it; garnet?) actually built on the
beos kernel? I guess the BeOs engineers built it. Isn't Gasee on the
palm source board? Palm bought all the IP and the team for 11 million,
three years later (or is it four now) palm source gets bought for more
than 300 million u$d? After palm spun it off for close to nothing?

So how come Palm won't use the new operating system? I got a new palm
31, after years of using a handspring visor. It won't run for months on
two AAA batteries, thats fer shure.
Post by Martin T
Captain's log. On StarDate 3 Oct 2005 08:40:03 -0700 received comm from
: well that was expected
: http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2142137/palm-sold-japanese-browser
: Gopi Manapragada
So now we (or Access to be correct) will have up to three different OS with a
1. "Classic" old PalmOS (without any real multitasking kernel).
2. PalmOS on top of BeOS kernel (if that also was part of the deal).
3. PalmOS on top of Linux kernel (or under development).
Guy Bannis
2005-11-19 19:44:32 UTC
Post by Jd Lyall
Is that Palm os 6 (whatever they call it; garnet?) actually built on the
beos kernel? I guess the BeOs engineers built it.
JD, you need to read the entire thread, especially since it's an old one.

Palm OS 6 is called "Cobalt."

PalmSource never built anything on the Be OS kernel.
